In recent years overcapacity has become a major obstacle to the healthy development of China economy, and therefore "overcapacity cutting" has become the primary task of the government departments at all levels. Based on current China economic realities, this paper constructs a mixed oligopoly competition model and analyzes the influence of government management authorization to state-owned enterprises and productive subsidies on the overcapacity of state-owned enterprises. The analysis results show that : ( 1 ) In Nash equilibrium, overcapacity ex- ists in state-owned enterprises, but whether the private enterprises have overcapaeity depends on such factors as management authorization and SOE productive subsidies; (2) The causes of SOE overcapacity are government pro- ductive subsidies and insufficient incentives in SOE managers, and therefore the reduced government productive sub- sidies and increased incentives for managers can mitigate SOE overeapacity; (3) The overcapaeity of private enter- prises is related to government management authorization to SOEs and productive subsidies, and proper adjustment of productive subsidies and management authorization can solve private enterprise overcapacity.