Based on water samples collected in October, 2013 and Landsat ETMq- images, the suspen- ded sediment concentration (SSC) distribution patterns and diffusion mechanisms in the Dafengjiang es- tuary are investigated. It is found that the SSC is higher at the bottom layers than at the surface layers and larger in the inner estuary than in the outer estuary, with the value ranged from 1.4 to 56 mg/L. The retrievals from the satellite indicate that the SSC is low basically and that the main factors control- ling the SSC variations in the spatial and temporal distributions are the runoff of the Dafengjiang Estu- ary and the tidal cycle there. The tidal lockup and tide-induced residual currents are main contributors to the sediment of the suspended matters around the Dafengjiang mouth and the diffusion alongshore. The suspended sediment affects the morphological evolution of sand bars and the development of drowned valley bays.