In the framework of Followership Theory, based on in-depth interviews and two empir- ical studies, this paper firstly proposed the concept of constructive challenging behavior, then distin- guished it with other related concepts by qualitative and quantitative methods, and finally developed the five-item scale to measure constructive challenging behavior. In addition, this research further re- vealed the following findings: Oethical leadership and employee constructive challenging behavior are positively related~ @ethical leadership and employee career development are positively correlated~ @ constructive challenging behavior partially meditates the positive relationship between ethical leader- ship and their career development~ @further, there exists a moderated mediation of constructive chal- lenging behavior, that is, when task performance is low, the negative relationship between construe- tive challenging behavior and career development is stronger, and the indirect effect of ethical leader- ship on career development via constructive challenging behavior is significantly stronger. Our find- ings initiate and develop the concept of "constructive challenging behavior" from a followership-based perspective, enriching and expanding the understanding of follower's behaviors, and help organiza- tions deal with employee constructive challenging behavior more reasonably.