选用玉米优良自交系郑58的茎尖为受体,研究以玉米茎尖为受体进行农杆菌转化体系的可行性,用农杆菌介导法将耐盐碱基因SAG12转入玉米中,获得110株转化苗,经过300 mg/L的除草剂(Basta)筛选,共获得21株转基因植株。进一步进行PCR检测,其中14株表现阳性,转化率达12.73%。初步证明外源基因已经整合到玉米基因组中,以玉米茎尖作为受体孢子体的转化系统可用于基因转化。
The SAG12 gene was transferred into the apical point of maize plant of inbred line ’Zheng 58’ by Agro-bacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation to study the feasibility of this system.21 transgenic plants were obtained after selecting with 300mg/L Basta and 14 of them were confirmed positive by PCR amplification.The frequency of transformation reached about 12.73%.The result showed that the foreign gene has integrated into maize genome and the apical point of maize plant can be used as receipt sporophyte for transformation.