Fully automatic motion retargeting between heterogeneous skeletons is not feasible by existing methods.To solve the problem, we proposed a hierarchical skeleton corresponding method based on semantic inter-mediate skeleton and multi-parameter optimization for biped and quadruped characters. The human and quadrupedskeletons, which are widely used in the animation industry, are introduced as inter-mediate skeletons. Seriesof geometry and topology parameters are analyzed, and then skeleton nodes are classified into three layers accordingto their significant level and dipartite degree. According to the selected parameters for each layer, andsemantic information from inter-mediate skeleton, skeleton nodes are corresponded layer by layer. At last, motiondata is transmitted under constraints of gaits and end trajectories. The results from experiments among severaltypical character skeletons with various features proved that our method is feasible for fully automatic motion retargetingof mass heterogeneous characters with nonstandard body proportions and locally complex structures.