菅属(Themeda Forssk.)是禾本科高粱族(Poaceae:Andropogoneae)qh佛焰苞物种的代表类群之一,在高粱族占据关键的系统演化位置,具有高度的形态和生态多样性。通过野外调查和查阅标本及文献,菅属约有27种植物,旧世界均有分布,新世界3种隶属于营组。中国有13种,分布在西南至华南各省(区),云南干热河谷地区有10种。研究表明中国云南及印度北部是菅属的分布中心和多样性中心,中国云南及印度北部是否为菅属的起源地尚需确证。
Themeda Forssk. (Poaceae) is one of the key groups for systematic study of the tribe Andropogoneae exhibiting considerable morphological and ecological diversity, the genus is one of representative groups of spathaceous species in the tribe. The geographical distribution of Themeda was investigated by means of reviewing herbarium specimens and literature and field investigations. About a total of 27 drought-tolerance species were distributed in dry and hot areas of tropics and warm subtropics of the Old World, and three species (sect. Themeda) had extended to the New World. In China, thirteen species were distributed in southwestern and southern provinces, and 10 species occurred in dry-hot valleys of Yunnan. The results suggested that Northern India and Yunnan of China were the present distribution centers and diversification centers, while the origin center of Themeda needed to be further studied.