Based on the simple ocean data assimilation (SODA) dataset, the Pacific subsurface ocean temperature anomaly (SOTA) signal on interannual timescales and its link with the ENSO cycle were analyzed. The results show that the interannual variability in tropical Pacific had special patterns as follows: west-east SOTA seesaw with cross axis at middle Pacific and south-north SOTA seesaw with longitudinal axis along 6°—8°N, with periods of 57 and 44 months. During the ENSO cycle, strong SOTA center in western tropical pacific mainly propagated eastward along the equator. It strengthened and moved northward after it reached the eastern equatorial Pacific, and caused El Ni?o or La Ni?a events. Simultaneously, weak SOTA signal propagated northeast- and southeastward from western tropical Pacific to mid-high latitude areas of north and south Pacific. Meanwhile, strong SOTA center with contrary sign located in eastern tropical Pacific propagated westward along 10°—15°N; it strengthened and move southward after it reaches western tropical Pa- cific and prepares for next La Ni?a or El Ni?o event. At the same time, it isolated and weakened the SOTA in mid-high latitude area of north Pacific. The ENSO cycle will be completed under the repetition of the above processes. Finally, we sketched for the pathway of interannual variability of pacific SOTA to show its relation to ENSO cycle.