在水文地质条件分析的基础上,探讨北京西郊地下水库调蓄工程的模式。北京西郊位于永定河冲洪积扇的中上部。文中首先论述了北京西郊的水文地质条件和水库的边界条件,地下水库的面积为333 km2,以1983年为最高水位,计算出地下水调蓄库容为8亿m3。地下水库的补给源主要有永定河洪水、官厅水库放水和弃水、用水低峰时南水北调的尾水、城市雨水等,主要调蓄方式为河道、砂石坑和大口井。提出了地下水库工程由回灌水预处理工程、回灌工程、地下水库工程和取水工程等组成,根据北京市西郊水文地质条件、水源以及回灌条件,提出了北京西郊地下水库调蓄工程的三种模式,阐述了各种模式的空间分布、调蓄水源、调蓄方式等,为地下水库工程前期论证和建设提供设计依据。
The patterns of groundwater reservoir in the west suburb of Beijing(GRWSB) are focused on in this paper.First,the characteristics of hydrogeology and artificial recharge of GRWSB are introduced.The study area is located in the up-middle part of alluvial-proluvial fan of Yongding River,which is rich in groundwater.The boundaries of GRWSB are delineated and the area of GRWSB is about 333 km2.On the basis of the groundwater table in 1983 and 2006,the derived adjustable storage capacity of GRWSB is about 8×108 m3.The engineering of GRWSB consists of the facilities of water quality pretreatment,recharge,groundwater reservoir,water taking,etc.Considering the conditions of hydrogeology,water sources and recharge techniques,we propose three patterns of GRWSB and discuss in detail on their distribution in space,recharge water sources,recharge techniques and characteristics.The results can be used to demonstrate and design for GRWSB.