Students' perception of teachers' expectation refers to the perception of expectation in the process of interaction between teachers and students, which has important implications for students' aca- demic and personality development. On the basis of former research and conclusions of survey, this study explored the structure of children's perception of teachers' expectation, formatted the questionnaire of children's perception of teachers' expectation, and then studied the developmental characteristics. The re- sults showed that: young children's perception of teachers' expectation includes four factors: attitude and feedback, reinforcement and evaluation, opportunity and privilege and support and guidance; the question- " naire has good reliability, validity indicators and can be used in young children measurement of perception of teachers' expectations; children's perception of teachers' expectation showed a downward tendency with the increase of age; in general, gender differences were very significant, indicating that the develop- mental level of girls' perception of teachers' expectation was much higher than boys' ; and boys and girls perception of teachers' expectation developmental tendency were consistent.