用非相对论性的QCD因子化方法(Nonrelativistic QCD factorization或简称NRQCD factorization)来探讨P波底夸克偶素三重态(χbj J=0,1,2)遍举衰变到两个矢量粲夸克偶素(J/ψ)的过程.和以前的工作相比较考虑了电磁碎裂对此过程的影响,发现在此过程中电磁贡献对χb0和χb2的影响很小.因为χb1领头阶的强作用贡献为零,所以电磁碎裂机制对χb1的影响很大.
The exclusive decay of ;χbj →J/ψJ/ψ is studied within the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization framework. In comparison with previous study, we also include the effects of electromagnetic fragmentation. We find this new contribution is small for χb0 and χb2 , but very important for χb1 , because the leading-order QCD contribution vanishes for this decay channel.