Wudalianchi Lake(48°40′N - 48°47′N, 126°06′E - 126°15′E) is located in Wudalianehi City, Heilongjiang Province, China. The lake is composed of five small lakes,with the third lake area being 8.2km^2 ,and the fifth lake area being 5.3km^2. Two sedimentary cores,named wdlc-3 and wdlc-5 ,were collected from the third and fifth lake (wdlc-3, 48°43′39.72″ N, 126°12′56.84″ E, 49cm; wdlc-5, 48°46′31.19″ N, 126°8′19.61″ E, 43cm ) using gravity corer in June 2009, respectively. Both cores were sectioned at an interval of 1.0cm.LOI550℃ (loss on ignition) , total phosphorus ( TP), total nitrogen ( TN ) , susceptibilitie, grain size distribution and elements were analyzed to construct environmental changes of Wudalianchi Lake. Sediment chronology was established based on the highest 137Cs activity peak ( 1963A. D. ) , the first ^137Cs activity appearance ( 1952A. D. ) and ^210Pb data. The average sediment rate is 0.28g/cm^2· a or 0.59cm/a, and 0.25g/cm^2· a or 0.55cm/a for the wdlc-3 and wdlc-5 cores in the past century. Combined with the sediment age, environmental changes of Wudalianehi Lake were reconstructed. The results showed that the environmental history could be divided into four stages as follows: 1920s- 1950s, median diameter of sediments was large, TN and LOI550℃ showed increased trends, Al and Fe contents of core sediment also increased,which indieats that lake environmental changes were possibly related with human activity such as land reclamation. 1950s - 1980s, human activity (such as deforestation, destruction of grassland) became the main influences which led to TN, Al and Fe contents to increase. However, median diameter was small. 1980s - 2000s, total nitrogen and phosphorus increased more rapidly, heavy metals also showed an increase trend, which could be attributed to extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides, phosphorus-containing items, leaded gasoline,and development of industry. Since 2000s,eutrophication has been the most import