利用区域化的土壤水氮管理模型WNMM(Water Nitrogen Management Model),结合地理信息系统GIS,采用GIS外接专业模型的方法,对封丘地区土壤水分渗漏的时间和空间分布情况进行了模拟。结果表明,在一般降水年份下,该地区的2m土体的水分年渗漏量在175.231mm之间,而在降水较多年份下的水分渗漏则超过了300mm。土壤水分渗漏受土壤质地、降水和灌溉、作物生长情况、温度等因素影响,渗漏多发生于强降水或灌溉以后,且砂质土壤的水分渗漏量要多于其它土壤。
A soil water and nitrogen management model (WNMM) coupled with GIS was used to simulate the temporal and regional distribution of soil water drainage in Fengqiu County Henan province. The results indicate that precipitation and irrigation, crop growth, temperature. Drainage usually occurred after heavy rains or irrigation, and sandy soils had the largest drainage amount.