目的 综述不同种类动物运动病模型的制备方法及评价标准.资料来源与选择 国内外该领域的研究论文、综述等相关文献.资料引用 国内外公开发表的研究论文22篇及综述3篇.资料综合运动病是一种常见病,但是其发病机制尚不清楚.制备运动病动物模型对运动病的病理生理学机制的探讨、特效药的筛选显得尤为重要.本文综述了诱发猫、大鼠、小鼠、雪貂、水貂、钱鼠、豚鼠、家兔、犬、猪、猕猴等动物的运动病模型的制备方法及评价标准.结论 选择合适的刺激方式和评价标准可以成功制备不同种类动物的运动病模型.
Objective To review the preparation and evaluation criteria of different types of animal experimental model for motion sickness. Literature resource and selection Research papers and reviews in the field. Literature quotation Twenty-two research papers and 3 reviews that were published in China and abroad were cited. Literature synthesis Motion sickness is a common disease but its pathogenesis was still unclear. Preparing animal experimental model is particularly important to investigate the pathophysiology mechanism of motion sickness and screen specific new anti-motion sickness drugs. This article reviewed the preparation and evaluation criteria for motion sickness in cats, rats, mice, ferrets, minks, house musk shrews, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, pigs,squirrel monkeys, etc. Conclusion Proper provocation would be helpful in preparing various animal experimental model of motion sickness. Establishing spontaneous animal experimental model is the ideal way for solving the variability of causality and is favorable for exploring pathophysiology mechanism of motion sickness.