土地资源作为重要的自然环境载体,对城市发展既起到了支撑作用,同时也会制约城市的盲目扩张。本文以北京市为例,从供给与需求两方面,总结了北京城市发展的土地资源约束特征,初步测算了其城市空间的上限规模。一方面,分析了产业用地和生活居住用地等土地资源需求主导因素的特征和变化趋势,基于不同的土地利用效率情景,初步测算得出北京城市发展对土地资源的需求规模区间为[1596 km2,2846 km2]。另一方面通过分析北京地区农业空间、生态空间及其他用地空间的占用、消耗特征,测算得出不同情景下土地资源对北京城市发展的供给规模区间为[1673 km2,2821 km2]。可以看出,当前北京城市发展的土地需求明显大于供给。同时指出了未来北京城市拓展受到土地资源供给的总量约束、空间约束及城市功能定位决定的用地结构性约束等限制。最后尝试提出解决当前城市发展面临的资源环境瓶颈和城市病等问题的思路。
Land resources not only provide support for urban development, but play a feedback and restricting role in unregulated urban growth. Taking Beijing City as an example, this paper analyzes supply and demand relationships and upper limits for the growth of land resources during the process of urban development. By analyzing dominant factors and trends in the demand for land resources, this paper gives preliminary estimates on the minimum size of the land demand in Beijing in view of constructing a World City. According to the basic characteristics of supply and demand relationships for land, current land use in Beijing is confronting a grim situation of conflict between supply and demand. We also point out maximum growth and three types of constraints on land resources. Last, we propose solutions to resource and environmental bottlenecks, and urban disease amid urban development.