利用8+1通道DRS4采集板作为PMT的电子学读出和数据采集系统,由H8500耦合La Br3晶体阵列以及XP20D0耦合La Br3晶体条组合成的探测器对22Na 511 ke Vγ射线进行了测试。经波形数字化处理后,单个La Br3晶体条FWHM为3.42%,DRS4系统获得La Br3晶体阵列位置映射图散点清晰,一维位置谱峰Sigma值小于CAMAC系统。实验表明:DRS4满足PET数据采集系统要求,可大幅消减电子学的规模和功耗,有利于PET系统的小型化和降低搭建成本。
In this study,the 8 + 1 channels DRS4 board was used to process digital sampling signals from XP20D0 coupled with La Br3 scintillator and H8500 coupled with 11 × 11 La Br3 scintillators arrays which are placed apart with22 Na source for 511 ke V γ ray. The energy resolution of 3. 42% obtained by DRS4 was better than 4. 2% obtained by CAMAC system for 511 ke V peak. The results show that DRS4 system have good energy resolution and the black scattered points on PET crystal flood image are clear and easy to split,which can conform to the requirements of the PET data acquisition system. The sigma in both Xand Y directions are better than CAMAC system. DRS4 board and digital waveform methods could substantially reduce the power consumption of the electronics,and beneficial to the miniaturization of PET and reduce building cost.