经过培训的感官评价小组对市售豆腐干质构进行蛛网描述性感官分析,得到区分不同品质豆腐干的主要质构属性。通过计算信噪比变化趋势,研究了培训过程中评价小组的表现;采用Panel Check软件,评估了培训后的评价小组一致性、评价员区分能力和重复性;进一步通过主成分分析法,研究了豆腐干之间的质构差异及豆腐干与各属性相关程度。结果表明,经过培训的豆腐干感官评价小组给出的数据较为准确、可靠;区分不同品质豆腐干的主要质构属性为:表面油感、凝聚性、硬度、成团性、咀嚼次数。
A sensory panel was trained to screen a list of texture attributes to evaluate different dried bean curds by Speetrum descriptive sensory analysis method. Panel performance during training sessions including panel agreement,panelists" discrimination ability and repeatability was studied by the development of signal to noise ratio and Panel Check software. Furthermore,principal component analysis presented a general overview over how the attributes were structured among the dried bean curds. The results showed that the trained panel performed well and the data was reliable. The major texture attributes of dried bean curds were surface oiliness,cohesiveness, hardness ,cohesiveness of mass and number of chewing.