Two pilot scale constructed wetland (SFCW) systems (15.0 m×1.5 m ×0.7 m each, with and without plants covering the first 5 m section from the inlet) were operated for subsurface treatment of a polluted river water at a hydraulic loading of 0.15 m^3/(m2 ·d). Substrate clogging and treatment performance (removal of ammonia and COD) were monitored for 2 years after the start up period. Up to 2.67% reduction in the system's substrate po- rosity was observed after 2 year's operation, with more reduction found in the first 3 m of the front end due primarily to the deposits of inorganic particulate matters. The plant covering had no significant effects on the substrate porosity and/or the SFCW's treatment performance. The slight reduction in the substrate porosity resulted in a small decrease in ammonia removal and a more notable increase in organic removal which was likely caused by enhanced biodegradation due to bacterial growth on the substrate.