Power is an old phenomenon for humans, but is a new research topic for social psychologists. As a part of social hierarchic relationship, power is constituted with reference to symbolic representations of spatial dimensions such as size and height, even if physical size of the ranked groups is not a determinant of the hierarchy. The Stroop interference paradigm and Chinese labels of power group were used in this study to identify the Size Effect in the judgment of power related words, and determine whether the Size Effect can be controlled by some intervention strategies. There were three experiments in this study. The experiments manipulated the font size of the power group labels to ascertain the influence on power judgments and explored the controllability of the Size Effect by informing participants distinctly about the possible influence of the font size of the group labels. In addition, we studied the same topic by not only informing participants but also changing the ratio of compatible and incompatible trials. The results of experiments showed a significant main effect of trials' type, faster responses occurred when the trials were compatible. Power judgments were slower when the font size did not fit the power of the groups. The results displayed a margin-marked interaction between trials' type and instruction condition. There was a significant interaction between these two variables; the variation in the reaction to the compatible versus the incompatible trials was not obvious when the participants received instructions. Moreover, the results of this study showed a significant interaction between trials' type and distribution, participants with a biased distribution reacted more quickly when trials were incompatible. The results suggested that there indeed is a Size Effect in the judgment of Chinese labels about power group. When the Chinese labels of power group were presented in pairs, judgments of the power of groups are influenced by the font size of the group labels. And these findings also c