In order to study the influence of different input layers of BP artificial neural network on runotff simulation results, based on the long - term daily precipitation of 8 precipitation monitoring stations in Binjiaug River Basin, the comparative analysis of monthly runoff differenees under different input layers, namely the original precipitation, the average precipitation, the com- posite antecedent precipitation, the watershed area weighted precipitation and the composite runoff area weighted precipitation, is conducted. The studies showed that the correlation coefficient and uncertainty factor of the runoff simulated by using the water- shed area weighted precipitation data as the input layer is relatively optimal, while the relative error of the original preeipitation data input is the smallest. The results calculated by using the average precipitatior~ as the input layer is the most concentrated and stable. The prediction aecuracy of composite input layer is relatively higher, but the results are not necessarily better by adopting more complex input layer. The watershed area weighted precipitation obtained the best runoff prediction results.