针对农业面源污染研究与防控对基础数据信息的需求,以东北地区为例,建立了农业面源污染基础信息数据库.该数据库可以实现农业面源污染基础信息的收集、存储和信息共享,为东北地区农业面源污染的研究和污染防治提供基础数据信息的支持与管理.根据规范设计方法,通过需求分析、概念设计、逻辑设计、物理设计、实现与测试、运行维护6个阶段建立了数据库.数据内容包括种植业、畜禽业、农村生活、自然地理、水文水质、气象监测、社会经济、点源污染、参数数据.该数据库的实现基于Microsoft Excel(Excel)、Microsoft Access(Access)和Microsoft Visual Studio 2010(VS 2010)等3个软件的支持.其中,Excel用于数据的输入和修改,Access用于数据库文件的生成和连接数据源与界面,VS 2010实现了数据库界面的设计与实现.
Based on the demand of research, prevention and controlling of agricultural non-point source pollution (ANSP) for basic data, a basic information database of ANSP was established taking Northeast China as a case study area. The establishment of the database could achieve a variety of functions, such as the collection, storage and sha- ring sources of the basic information of ANSP, as well as providing support of basic data for the research and govern- ance of ANSP in Northeast China. According to the specification design method, the database was designed through six steps of demand analysis, concept design, logical design, physical design, implementation and test, operation and maintenance. The content of database consisted of crop farming, livestock breeding, rural residents living, physical geography, hydrology and water quality, meteorological monitoring, social economy, point source pollution, and pa- rameter data. Three kinds of software were used to complete the implementation of the database: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Microsoft Excel was used for data input and modification. Mi- crosoft Access was applied to generate the database files and connect the data source as well as the interface. Mi- crosoft Visual Studio 2010 accomplished the design and founding of the database interface.