The entanglement resonance in anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains of different couplings is investigated when the nearest neighbor coupling is periodically modulated with external magnetic held. When the modulation frequency equals twice of the magnetic held, the entanglement resonance is larger than that at other modulation frequencies and decreases as the number of spins in the chain increases. When the modulation frequency equals the magnetic held, the entanglement resonance can be reduced to a quite low value by varying the couph’ng along z axis.
The entanglement resonance in anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains of different couplings is investigated when the nearest neighbor coupling is periodically modulated with external magnetic field. When the modulation frequency equals twice of the magnetic field, the entanglement resonance is larger than that at other modulation frequencies and decreases as the number of spins in the chain increases. When the modulation frequency equals the magnetic field, the entanglement resonance can be reduced to a quite low value by varying the coupling along z axis.