Shortest path query is an important problem in graphs and has been well-studied on static graphs. However, in real applications, the costs of edges in graphs always change over time. We call such graphs as time-dependent graphs. In this paper, we study how to find the optimal path with the minimum cost under time constraint on large time-dependent graphs. Most existing works about time-dependent shortest path problem (TDSP) focus on finding the shortest path with the minimum travel time. All these works utilize the following property., the earliest arriving time of vertex v can be computed by the earliest arriving time of v's neighbors. Unfortunately, this property does not hold in our problem. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to compute the optimal path with the minimum cost under time constraint. We show the time and space complexity are O(kn logn+mk21ogk) and O((n+m)k) respectively. We confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithms using real-life datasets in experiments.