This article discusses the grammatical meanings of the bǎ (把)-construction and other relevant constructions by means of the interactive-derivative approach model. It first points out that the meaning of any one of these constructions is a kind of relational meaning to other constructions in the specific constructional system. So general property and specific property of constructional meanings should be distinguished. Based on a new concept of ' construction group' , the article explores the deriving process of some related constructions in the specific causative construction group, and generalizes the grammatical meaning of the bǎ-construction, i. e. , to give prominence to the causative result the causee receives from the causer via a certain manner. Moreover, it deduces the grammatical meanings of other relevant constructions, such as the ordinary bèi-construction(long passive), the patient-subject sentence, the bèi (被)-construction without causer(short passive)and the causative agent-patient sentence. Finally, it probes into the methodology to study the relationship between form and meaning of specific constructions.