Uranium content and its isotope initial ^234U/^238U[^234U/^238U)0]preserved in speleothems have a considerable potential to record the changes of the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. Here we review the studies on these elements and their climate implications. Most previous work suggested that the uranium concentration and (^234U/^238U)0 could indicate the changes of the soil humidity and effective precipitation. However, some researchers hold different viewpoints on this subject. Nevertheless, all these researches agree that U concentration and its isotope should be important alternative indexes for reconstructing paleoclimate and pateoenvironment. In the future, in addition to soil environments and processes, the investigations should be focused on relative contribution of different sources of U and the relationship between U and other trace elementals, which may play an important role in the study of atmospheric dust activity, winter monsoon variations, changes of biomass on the surface, and so on in East Asia.