World-widely, it is a common phenomenon that with the process of industrialization and urbanization, various urban problems (or the so-called“urban disease”) emerged and became the obstacles of further development. A key way to deal with urban problems is urban planning and management. The main symptoms of urban diseases in developed countries include population expan-sion, poor dwelling, traffic congestion, environment pollution, social con-flicts, and urban sprawl. So far a lot of theories and concepts have been pro-posed from urban planning and management perspectives and practiced, the expe-riences of which become valuable know-how for China. Lessons from the USA, UK, Japan and other developed countries suggested that, we should renew the very basic concept and purpose of urban development, strengthen the rationality and authority of urban planning, emphasize on the important influence of trans-portation infrastructures on the formation of urban structures, improve the coordination of different planning schemes, shorten the planning approval cy-cle and ensure planning implementation.