The purpose of speech-like modulation is to modulate the input bit stream to a set of signals whose features are like voice waveform in order to transform in the voice channel. This paper presents a method of speech-like modulation based on Genetic Algorithm ( GA). This method adopts the data waveform mapping to replace the modulated data with predefined waveforms so as to gener- ate speech-like signal. And the design of waveforms uses GA. In the crossover process of GA, it di- rectly chooses some frequency constituents of the parents to generate new offspring to shorten the pe- riod of simulation. Then, these offsprings are used to replace the symbols with lower fitness in the last cycle to reach the next loop iteration and the best symbol is obtained at last. In order to reduce the error rate, it uses the time average of symbol waveform to demodulate at the receiving end. Ex- perimental results show that the proposed method can realize a minimum symbol error rate (SER) of 0. 0007% when transferring random bits at the modulation rate of 2kbps.