To clone novel unigenes in Magnaporthe oryzae isolate FJ81278,we analyzed its genome and transcriptome data and found a unigene MoHsbA encoding protein with hydrophobic surface binding domain(HsbA) and a potential signal peptide.Further bioinformatics analysis showed that there were other 7 genes encoding proteins with HsbA domain.Interestingly,all these HsbA proteins were clustered in the same clade of the phylogenetic tree,suggesting they had close relation.In the transcriptome and EST database of M.oryzae,the HsbA genes had a diverse expression profiles,but they were all up-regulated genes based on microarray data of the isolate GUY11.However,our qRT-PCR results showed that MoHsbA expressed during all the growth and development stages,but with relative higher transcript level during appressorial development.Taking together,results will facilitate the understanding of the function of HsbA genes in M.oryzae.