木质藤本植物是热带和亚热带森林中重要的植被和生态的组分。通过对哀牢山山地湿性常绿阔叶林中30个林窗的调查,探讨了林窗-林窗边缘-林内的梯度上,以及不同大小和演替阶段的林窗中藤本植物的物种组成与多样性的变化。结果表明:阳性种藤本植物主要出现在林窗中,而且对不同大小和演替阶段林窗环境的反应存在明显的差异;耐荫种藤本植物则主要出现在林内,林窗边缘以及中、小面积的林窗和处于演替中、后期的林窗中。从林窗中心到林窗边缘和林内藤本植物的多样性(Fisher’s α多样性指数)和多度呈降低的趋势。此外,藤本植物的多样性在中等大小和处于演替中、后期的林窗中较高,而其多度在小林窗和处于演替中期的林窗中较高。该研究指出藤本植物物种间生活史特性存在明显的差异,阳性种藤本植物的物种多样性是由林窗来维持的。
Lianas ( woody vines) are important floristic and ecological elements both in tropical and in subtropical forests. In the present study, the changes of species composition and diversity of lianas were studied in the gradient of gap, forest-gap edge, and non-gap stands, and in gaps of different size and successional phase, based on the investigation of 30 treefall gaps in montane moist evergreen broadleaved primary forest in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, China. Sample plots of 4 m × 4 m were respectively set up in thecentral part of the gaps, forest-gap edges of cardinal directions of east, south, west and north, and non-gap stands, and those lianas with ≥ 2 m in height and ≤ 4 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) were enumerated. Lianas were defined as woody climbing plants that permanently rooted in the ground, and thus hemi-epiphytes and strangers were excluded. The result showed that photophytic species occurred in gaps, with different response to gaps of different size and successional phase, while shade-tolerant species were primarily present in forest interior, forest-gap edges, small and medium size gaps, and middle and late successional phase gaps. Liana diversity ( Fisher' s α) and abundance decreased in the gradient of gap, forest-gap edge and non-gapstands. Furthermore, lianas diversity was relatively higher in gaps of intermediate size, and middle and late successional phase, while liana abundance was slightly higher in gaps of small and middle successional phase. Our findings suggest that there were considerable variation among species in life history traits of lianas, and the species diversity of photophytic lianas were maintained by treefall gaps.