Based on the MLSP (Minimum Living Standard Programmer) recipients' data, this paper analyses the distribution, evolution and driving forces of urban poor in Chongqing city. Meanwhile, the paper discuss- es the similarities and differences between eastern and western cities of China. Compared with eastern cities of China, there are similarities and differences in spatial pattern and driving forces of urban poverty in west- ern parts of Chinese cities. The similarity exists in spatial distribution of urban poor in inner parts of cities. Residential neighborhoods with high poverty incidences are located in parts of inner cores and industry parks in planned economy. The spatial differentiation of urban poverty in western cities has been increasing during the past ten years, while it has been decreasing in eastern cities. The lagging regional economy devel- opment and infrastructure investment and construction result in exacerbated distribution of urban poor in out- er districts and counties, which differs from that of eastern cities. The research result suggests that, according to the characteristics of urban poverty in western cities, anti-poverty policies should focus on promoting eco- nomic development of some parts of metropolitan areas, as well as the outer districts and counties with high- er poverty incidences.