利用过去两千年全球变化研究网络(PAGES 2k network)最新公布的501条代用记录,重建了全球过去千年全年平均温度空间格局的演化特征,对比分析了中世纪暖期及其最暖100年与20世纪现代暖期、中世纪暖期和小冰期最暖30年与20世纪最近30年的年平均温度空间模态异同.结果显示,在世纪尺度上,现代暖期与历史上中世纪暖期的温度异常空间格局大致相同,变化幅度也在大部分区域相当,但从年代际尺度上,最近30年的升温比过去千年中世纪暖期和小冰期两个典型时期都明显.值得一提的是北大西洋中高纬度海温变化与上述特征并不相同,在年代际和世纪尺度上小冰期和中世纪暖期海温均高于20世纪.可能原因是大西洋经圈翻转环流在中世纪暖期、小冰期和20世纪现代暖期等3个特征时段对太阳辐射、火山活动和温室气体等外强迫的响应不同.
The past climate reconstruction in different spatial and temporal scales using proxy records can provide a reliable basis for assessing climate model simulations,but also for exploring the present and future climate change regime.In this paper,we use 501 global proxy records published by past global change (PAGES) 2k network working group,including 418 tree-ring chronologies,29 ice-cores,13 corals,2 speleothems,34 lake/sea sediments,1 historical document,and 4 instrumental records.Based on these explicit temperature-sensitive proxies with accurate dating,we reconstruct the spatial pattern of global temperature with decadal resolution over the past millennium using the hybrid frequency-domain Regularized Expectation Maximization procedure,and then,analyze the similarities and differences of typical centennial warm periods between the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) in 950~1250A.D.and the Current Warm Period (CWP) in 1901~ 2000A.D.,and typical 30 years warm periods among the MWP,Little Ice age (LIA) and CWP.Results show that the temperature anomalies during the CWP in most of regions are higher than ones during the MWP,especially in Eurasia,North America,Eastern Pacific,South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.The temperature anomalies in the last 30 years (1971 ~2000A.D.) of the CWP are also distinctly higher than in the warmest 30 years (972~ 1001A.D.) of the MWP and the LIA (1608~ 1637A.D.) except for North Atlantic.The temperature anomalies of the warmest 100 years (950~ 1049A.D.) of the MWP have no significant difference in most of regions compared to the CWP.This indicates that temperature anomalies during the warmest century of the MWP are comparable to those in amplitude during the CWP in most of regions on a centennial timescale,but on a decadal timescale,the warming in the last 30 years are unprecedented compared to the past two diagnostic periods.It is noteworthy that,the high-latitude North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies in the LIA and MWP on decadal to centuri