The Julia set has the fractal structure,and once an arbitrary point on the boundary of attraction domain is determined,it can get into the attraction domain of any attracted periodic point.The Newton-Raphson method can compute all roots of equations using the above-mentioned property.This paper utilizes accurately the step length of descent direction in BFGS method and conjugate gradient method using it,respectively,which combines with chaos optimization algorithm with global search ability.Therefore,a kind of hybrid chaos optimization algorithm incorporating fractal theory is established from a new perspective.It is indicated that the computational efficiency of hybrid chaos optimization algorithm is higher than that of the combined algorithm using Wolf method for one dimensional inexact search to calculate the step length of descent direction,and the optimization ability of hybrid algorithm of chaos search and BFGS is superior to that of hybrid algorithm of chaos search and conjugate gradient method.It is also illustrated that the local search ability of BFGS in hybrid chaos optimization algorithm is better than that of conjugate gradient algorithm.