This study analyzed the growth increments, checks and aberrant structures of statolith microstructure for Dosidicus gigas in Costa Rican, Peruvian and Chilean waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The growth increments of the statolith are composed of one light and one dark circle line. Three different growth zones were defined bases on the width of growth increment that is postnucelar, dark and peripheral zone. The average age of paralarvae is about one month with 26 days in Costa Rica, 32 days in Peru and 33 days in Chile. Average age of juvenile is about 3 months with 86 days in Costa Rica, 84 days in Peru and 88 days in Chile. There were seven kinds of checks within the statolith, the formation of which might result from endogenous rhythm(such as hatching, mating and spawning) or external stress(such as thermal shock and attacking from predator). In addition, we also found several abnormal structures(such as additional focus, increment and center) and aberrant increment growth pattern in a few statoliths, which was believed to be the result of the damage of statolith caused by external stress.