利用基因工程表达的BtCry1Ab毒素蛋白,表达菌裂解后粗产物以非致毒的微量水平添加苹果蠹蛾颗粒体病毒喀什株1(CypoGV-KS1)作为生物增效剂,测定添加不同比例的BtCry1Ab毒素蛋白对CypoGV-KS1毒力的增进效果。结果表明:微量BtCry1Ab的添加能够显著缩短CypoGV-KS1对苹果蠹蛾的致死时间。当CypoGV-KS1浓度为0.5×105 PIBs?mL?1、BtCry1Ab蛋白浓度为0.5 μg?mL?1时,即可产生显著的增效作用,对3龄苹果蠹蛾幼虫的LT50和LT90分别比CK病毒缩短14.42%和10.60%;在1.5 μg?mL?1时,LT50和LT90分别比CK病毒缩短21.52%和14.49%,达到极显著水平差异。
The prokaryotic expressed BtCrylAb protein was used as a virulence enhancer for Cydia pomonella granulovirus Kashgar strain 1 (CypoGV-KS1) at a trace level dose that was lower than sublethal. The expressed BtCrylAb protein was supplemented to CypoGV-KS1 suspension at different levels and the LTso and LT90 values were determined by bioassay. The results showed that the LT50 and LT90 values of CypoGV-KS1 were improved significantly when the trace level dose BtCrylAb protein was supplemented. The LTs0 and LT90 values were reduced 14.42% and 10.06%, respectively with a dose of 0.5 μg-mL-1 BtCrylAb; and they were reduced 21.51% and 14.49%, respectively by a dose of 1.5 μg.mL-1 BtCrylAb.