在现代卫星通信中,有效载荷功能集成化对各模块的硬件资源消耗量提出了更高的要求,而传统频域抗干扰技术资源消耗量较大.鉴于快速傅里叶变换(fast Furiertransform,FFT)是频域抗干扰的核心部分,提出改进的FFT实现技术,对每级FFT运算结果进行自适应截位.该方法较常规FFT算法结构节省了大量的硬件资源,并提高了信号频谱的动态范围,以较少的硬件资源实现了更强的抗干扰能力.该技术已成功应用于卫星导航系统的星间链路抗干扰通信,效果良好,在当代电子信息对抗领域中亦有广阔的应用前景.
With the development of modern satellite communication, integration of the functions of the satellite payload has significantly raised requirements of the hardware costs. This paper proposes an improved FFT algorithm that uses self-adapting truncation at each level of the FFT process to achieve a lager dynamic range of the signal's spectrum as compared to the conventional FFT implementation. The improved algorithm has been applied in an inter-satellite link of a satellite navigation system with good anti-jamming performance, large dynamic range, and low comDlexitv.