对采自我国云南省德钦县白马雪山地区的厕蝇科标本进行分类研究,发现离厕蝇(Fannia abrupta Malloch,1924)为中国新纪录种。该种在分类学上属于厕蝇科厕蝇属明厕蝇种团的明厕蝇亚种团(serena-group)。文中记述了该种的形态特征、引证情况及模式产地并绘制雄性尾器图以供鉴别。初步讨论了该种团的分布范围及种数等。
A newly recorded Fannia abrupta Malloch, 1924 was collected from Baima snow mountain area in Deqin county, Yunnan province, China. This species belongs to Fanniidae, Fannia, serena-subgroup of the serena-group. So far the serena-subgroup has 39 species in Eurasia, and 24 species in China. This paper describes the morphological characteristics, proper citation origin of specimen, etc. The male genitalia were described for identification. Preliminary discussions were provided with regard to species number and the distribution of this group and subgroup.