Green society future development. As while enhancing human and quality of life will be two major themes of China's low-carbon development means to reduce carbon emission well-being, it should become the main impetus of China's future development. Therefore, theoretical and empirical researches on low-carbon development must be encouraged. Although contemporary literature all recognizes the importance of natural capital for human development, the majority still sticks to the neo-classic paradigm of growth as ecological resources are basically understood as an economic factor of production. The focus on GDP rather than indicators of human well-being such as HDI is causing problems for social develop- ment. The paper proposes an analytical framework of low-carbon development, examines the relationship between economic growth and human well-being, reconstruct an indicator system of carbon productivity and analyzes the factors contrib- uting to human well-being. It is believed that these efforts will help reorient China's development in the low-carbon direction.