In order to determine the rubber powder dosage, additive agent dosage and preparation parameters in the preparation of rubber asphalt, the influence of shear time, shear temperature, rubber powder dosage and sulfur dosage on various performance change trends and the influence degrees was analyzed by "four factors three levels" orthogonal experiment. The scheme of excel- lent combination with rubber powder dosage, additive agent dosage and preparation parameters was determined. The results show that the rubber powder dosage has a significant impact on the performance of rubber asphalt, and with the increase of the dosage of rubber powder dosage, the high temperature performance of rubber asphalt has been improved, but when the dosage is more than a certain dosage, the low temperature performance and elastic recovery performance will be significantly reduced. The best rubber powder dosage should be between 20%~25%. Shear time should be more than 30 min to ensure powder fully swelling, and long time shear can lead to the significantly reduced properties of rubber asphalt. The best shear time should be between 30 60 min. Increase of the dosage of sulfur can improve high temperature performance of rubber as-phalt, but when the dosage is more than a certain dosage, the low temperature performance will be significantly reduced, and the dosage of sulfur should be less than 6~. There is scheme of ex- cellent combination with various parameters. 9 tabs, 6 figs, 10 refs.