A non-fault discrimination method based on model recognition before three-phase reclosing is proposed for transmission lines with shunt reactors. The method takes the π-type equivalent model in the arc extinct transient fault as the reference. Either in transient faults without arc or in arcing transient faults even permanent faults, the method uses current of shunt reactors, which has high precision, and calculates the sums of the mode components of shunt reactors currents and capacitive currents at both terminals based on the reference. According to the phase-model transformation matrix, a formula is developed for summing the currents of shunt reactors and capacitive currents to implement the non-fault detection. In the case of a transient fault with the extinction arc namely the non-fault condition, the sums of currents in each phase are all zeros because the actual fault model is consistent with the reference. However, in the case of an arcing transient fault or a permanent fault, the sums of the currents in the fault phases are non-zero because of the fault branch, while the sums of the non-fault phases are close to zero due to an arc extinction transient fault. Meanwhile, the fault phase can be confirmed as well based on the sums of the currents in the fault phases. It is noted that the presented non-fault detection is independent of fault phase selection and is able to detect non-fault condition reliably before three-phase reclosing, which is helpful to avoid blind reclosing and identify the fault phase for the arcing faults especially serious permanent faults. Moreover, we have verified the correctness and effectiveness of this non-fault detection method through numerical simulation and have proved that the method is helpful to increase successful reclosing rate of three-phase reclosures.