Based on a micro pulsed jet without external device control technology suit- able for high-load compressor, experimental investigation at low Mach number state was car- ried out on the cascade tunnel, and the steady and dynamic pressure characteristics in no-con- trol state were obtained. The characteristic frequency of the separated vortex was found to be about 478 Hz, and the corresponding Strouhal number was about 0.2. The experiment of controlling separation flow by micro pulsed jet was performed, with the frequency of the mi- cro pulsed jet from 148 Hz to 840 Hz. Results show that when the frequency of the micro pulsed jet ranges from 0.85 to 1.20 of characteristic frequency of the separated vortex, the control effect is more obvious. Compared with blade slot treatment in other steady control methods, the suction mass flow ratio of this micro pulsed control method is few, and the in- fluence of suction phenomena on the flow characteristics of pressure side and overall perform ance has been decreased significantly.