燃煤发电机组多污染物协同脱除技术将是未来火电领域的研究热点,为此研发并设计了一种高湿烟气环境中实现细颗粒凝聚和多污染物协同脱除的新型装置——湿式相变凝聚器(Wet Phase Transition Agglomerator,WPTA)。该装置经过实验室实验、中试实验和某660MW燃煤机组全烟气工况工程实验研究。发现其具有优良的细颗粒物凝聚能力和多种污染物协同脱除性能。中试实验结果表明,经过WPTA后,烟气中颗粒物的粒度分布曲线由单峰分布演变为双峰分布,且粒径在2μm左右颗粒的峰值明显降低,粒径大于10μm颗粒的峰值呈增加趋势。660MW机组全烟气试验结果显示,满负荷下WPTA投运,PM2.5、PM10脱除效率分别比不投运提高约5个百分点、15个百分点;同时实现了烟气中Hg、As、Ba、Ga、Li、Mn、Sr和Ti元素的高效脱除,其中Hg与As的脱除能力分别提高了4.18倍和2.82倍。研究结果表明,该湿式相变凝聚侨同多污染物脱除技术能很好地实现燃煤机组污染物超低排放。
The technology of multi-pollutants synergistic removal in coal-fired power plants will become the research hotspots in the future. In this paper, a new device named wet phase transition agglomerator (WPTA) is designed and developed to achieve the goal of removing fine particles and multi-pollutants collaboratively from high temperature wet flue gas. Verified through lab-scale testing, pi]ot-scale testing and a full-scale onsite test under working conditions in a 660-MW lignite-fired power plant, this device has exhibited excellent performance in fine particle and multi-pollutant removal. The pilot-scale test indicates that after the flue gas flow passed through the WPTA, the volume fraction of particles changes from unimodal distribution into bimodal distribution. The peak value of the particle volume fraction is decreased substantially for the particle around 2μm while that of the particles over 10μm tends to increase. The full-scale test shows that the removal efficiency of PM2.5 and PML0 is improved by 5 and 15 percentage points respectively at full generation loading. The efficient removal of trace elements of Hg, Ba, Ga, As, Li, Mn, Sr and Ti is also achieved simultaneously, of which the removal efficiencies of Hg and As are improved by 4.18 and 2.82 times, respectively. The study result indicates that the new configuration of WPTA+WESP can meet the reauirements for ultra-low emission standards on fine particulate matters and other pollutants for coal-fired Dower plants of China.