为了研究乳腺组织电导率特性及肿瘤生长方式对电阻抗扫描(electrical impedance scanning, EIS)肿瘤成像特征的影响,作者对照分析了69例乳腺肿瘤患者的EIS成像、X线钼靶摄影及离体乳腺组织的阻抗频谱特性。实验得到了40例恶性肿瘤、34例良性肿瘤、49例腺体组织和41例脂肪组织的离体电阻率特性,其中腺体组织和良性肿瘤的电阻率数值最小,其次是癌组织,脂肪组织的电阻率数值最大。恶性肿瘤中EIS检查24例高亮表现,11例暗区表现,5例无表现;良性肿瘤EIS检查多数无特征表现。实验表明,癌组织与其周围正常组织的电导率有显著性差异。因恶性肿瘤浸润组织的不同,组织间的电导率差异会出现正向或负向变化,EIS检查表现出亮、暗不同的特征成像。良性肿瘤的电导率较好,但其与周围组织电导率差异无统计学意义,EIS检查无显著成像。
To research the influence on the breast tumors characteristic image of electrical impedance scanning (EIS) which was made by breast tissues impedance spectroscopy and the growth pattern of breast tumors, the impedance character of 40 malignant tumors, 34 benign tumors and some normal breast tissues from 69 patients undergoing breast surgery who had been examined by EIS and mammography screening were analyzed, with the ex vivo spectroscopy measurement. Primary ex vivo spectroscopy experiments showed that the resistivity of various breast tissue took the following pattern: adipose tissue〉cancerous tissue〉mammary gland and benign tumor tissue. Of the 39 patients with 40 malignant tumors, 24 showed bright spots, 11 showed dark area in EIS and 5 showed no specific image. Of all the 30 patients with 34 benign tumors were almost no specific abnormality shown in EIS results. There are significant differences in the electrical impedance properties between cancerous tissue and normal tissue. It showed up high or low electrical impedance characteristic in EIS images because malignant tumors soak different surrounding tissue and the conductivity between them was dissimilar clearly. Nevertheless, the difference of admittivity between benign tumors and their surrounding tissue was small and so there was no distinct image in EIS.