Rill erosion is one of the most important erosion processes on the Loess Plateau. Influx of sediment onto rill has very important effects on rill erosion intensities. Clarifying the impacts and contributions of influx of sedi- ment onto rill to rill erosion can reveal the processes and mechanism of rill erosion, and provide a important scien- tific basis for controlling soil and water loss on hillslope. With multi-plot-based experiments of simulated rainfall and the addition of a steady in-flow at the top of the multi-plot system, the impacts of influx of sediment onto rill on rill erosion and its contribution on loess hillslope are studied under five different rainfall intensities and five different slopes. The main findings are as follows : impacts of influx of sediment onto rill from rill top, influx of sediment onto rill from interrill, and rill runoff shear stress on rill erosion under different rainfall intensities with same slope, dif- ferent slopes with same rainfall intensity, and different rainfall intensities and slopes can be described by a ternary logarithmic equation. The contributions of influx of sediment onto rill from rill top, influx of sediment onto rill from interrill, rill runoff shear stress, and the interaction of the three terms to rill erosion are 13. 18% , 4.98% , 61.2%, and 8.26% under different rainfall intensities, 4.73%, 1.19%, 73.65%, and 5.4% under the differ- ent slopes, 10.84%, 0.44%, 65.22%, and 6.97% under different rainfall intensities and slopes respectively.