The life history of myxomycetes is of importance to study diversity of nutritive modes and phylogenesis of these organisms.Until now the reports concered were few.Moist chamber culture method,oat-agar culture method and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the process of the individual development of Arcyria cinerea.The life cycle of spore-to-spore were completed in agar culture in petridish.The result shows that the life cycle of Arcyria cinerea comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage,a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.The spore of Arcyria cinerea is globular and the spore surface is spiny.The spore germinates by means of a poriform open and releases a single myxamoeba.The myxamoeba can move by amoeboid motion.When free water is available,myxamoebae can transform into swarm cells and swim in the water.Zygote forms into plasmodium.The mature plasmodium is white.The plasmodial type is the phaneroplasmodium which appears as a fan-shaped network of veins.Spores developed on agar are fertile and resemble those on natural substrate.