为了解决某车型普遍存在轮胎早期磨损严重的问题,通过ADAMS/Car软件建立该车型前悬架的虚拟样机模型,并进行运动学仿真分析,仿真结果表明车轮的前束角在跳动过程中变化过大,可能是导致轮胎磨损严重问题的原因。因此将模型导入ADAMS/Insight模块中进行优化分析,优化后前轮前束角的变化范围由-1.02~0.78o降低到-0.32-0.24o,轮距变化由优化前的-0.36~5.4 mm降低到-0.1~4.6 mm,明显降低了轮胎侧偏磨损,改善了车辆直线行驶的稳定性能。
In order to solve the problem that the tires wore seriously in a certain vehicle model, the front suspension virtual prototype model of the car was built with ADAMS/Car and the kinematic characters was simulated. The results showed that the change of toe angle in the jump process was too big to lead to tire wear. After optimizing the variation range of front toe angle from-1.02~0.78oto -0.32 ~0.24o, the variation range of the wheel track was reduced from -0.36 ~5.4 mm to-0.1~4.6 mm, which obviously reduced the tire cornering wear and improved the stability of the vehicles straight running performance.