Applying the social and economic statistical materials, hydrological data, remote sensing images and field investigation information, evolution of the Jingjiang flood diversion district is discussed to show the contradictory status quo of the flood diversion district and its irrevocable position in the future flood protection system of the Yangtze River. Furthermore, necessity of flood risk management is emphasized. Two dimensional GIS raster based dynamic flood risk estimation model is introduced and used for the present study to simulate the flooding process of Jingjiang flood diversion district during the floods of year 1954. Based on different simulation results of three hydrographs representing low, medium and high inflow rate, the potential losses of inundation are estimated. Accordingly, some flood risks management strategies are put forward with the purpose of flood losses mitigation and utilization probability increment, including population policy, regulation of land use pattern, strengthening of public awareness, development of flood insurance, and planning of scientific flood diversion schemes etc.