Based on compound fracture mechanics and energy balance principle, and considering the high brittleness and low permeability of the rock in the unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, the mechanical mechanism of crack propagation under the mutual stress interference between induced fracture of staged fracturing for horizontal wells and the transport regularity of variable density proppant in fractures were studied. Taking into account the forms of the network cracks respectively in the network fracturing of single horizontal well and the sync-fracturing of twin wells, a volume optimal design model of the in- duced reticular fracture was built considering the mutual stress interference between induced fractures. Meanwhile, the 3D- UGMulti-Fracture software was developed with the Visual Studio 2012 development platform, according to the both simulated three-dimensional model of crack extension of the hydraulic fracture and the full three-dimensional model of the two dimen- sional flows along the crack length and height. The transport process of ,Jariable density proppant in the network fracture was studied on the basis of fracture mechanics and fluid mechanics. The fracturing process was monitored by the micro-seismic technology, and it was found that the calculated results via the developed software agree well with the test results. According to the design requirements, the parameters such as liquid discharge and sand ratio are optimized. The effective support length increases and flow capacity of the features is improved.