The relationship between the surface wettability and the interaction strength of liquid-wall particles is first investigated using a lattice Boltzmann method, and then the liquid fiow over hydrophobic surfaces is simulated in a microchannel. Efiect of surface wettability on the slip fiow and drag reduction characteristics of hydrophobic surfaces is obtained. Existence of the apparent slip on hydrophobic surfaces is confirmed and its mechanism is revealed. Simulation results show that the hydrophobicity induces a low density layer near the wall of hydrophobic surfaces and the apparent slip is observed on the low density layer. It is shown that the apparent slip is a direct cause of hydrophobic surfaces' drag reduction efiect. Thus the drag reduction efiect increases with increasing slip length. For a specific fiuid system,the slip length is an inherent property of the hydrophobic surfaces and is a single function of the surface wettability.The slip length does not change with the external fiow property.