对两株具有重金属活化能力的微生物粘质沙雷氏菌(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa )M6和粘质红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)K1的植物促生长特性做了分析:M6和K1均产吲哚乙酸(IAA)、铁载体并具有溶磷能力,但不能利用ACC(1一氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸)作为唯一氮源生长.种子根伸长实验表明:M6和K1均不能促进小白菜种子发芽和根伸长,相反,50mg/LCd和Zn培养条件下,接种菌株K1对小白菜种子生长有显著抑制作用.蕈菌菌丝生长实验表明:接种M6菌株于金福菇菌丝边缘,可促使菌丝生长更为浓密;接种K1菌株,可提高菌丝生长速度;此外,接种菌株还可缓解重金属对蕈菌菌丝生长的胁迫效应.
Two heavy metal-mobilizing strains Serratia marcescens M6 and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa K1 were analyzed for their plant-growth promoting characteristics. The results showed that both of the strain M6 and K1 could produce indole acetic acid, siderophore and solubilize inorganic phosphate, while neither showed 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity. In filter paper culture experiment, M6 and K1 showed no abilities to stimulate seed germination and root elongation of Brassica rapa, in contrast, performed inhibition effect in 50 mg/L Cd and Zn cultivating conditions. However,it showed that strain M6 and K1 could promote mycelia growth of Tricholoma lobynsis in Petri dishes cul- ture. Mycelia appeared very dense in the vicinity of M6 inoculum, while showed high growth rate in K1 inoculation. Inoculation of strain M6 and K1 could also alleviate heavy metal stress to mycelia growth compared to the uninoculated control.