土家织锦的纺线在纺织前后,易产生颜色感知差异,使得纺织者难于从织锦中的颜色准确判断原纺线的真实颜色。从辐射亮度定义出发,分析了土家织锦表面光谱反射率测量的光路形成,探索了纺线纺织前后的光谱反射率相关性。选择土家织锦纺织过程中常用的22种典型颜色的纺线织成色块样本,采用分光光度计测量得到纺线纺织前与织成锦后的光谱反射率,建立了二者颜色感知差异关系的半经验式光谱信息混合模型;并采用光谱角和拟合优度系数来评价结果。实验结果显示半经验模型拟合光谱曲线与仪器测量的光谱曲线之间的光谱角度差的最大值为θij=3.966 4°,平均值为θij=1.477 9°,拟合优度系数CGF≥0.995。这表明所提出的模型能够准确描述织锦与纺线之间颜色感知差异关系,为土家织锦纺织选线过程中颜色准确匹配技术提供了理论依据,有助于获得颜色高保真的织锦产品。
There will be a color perception difference between brocade and yams when yam was woven into theTujia brocade. And spinners were hard to judge original color of yam from brocade. According to radiation definition, the formation of the light path of Tujia brocade surface was analyzed. The correlation of spectral reflectance between yam and brocade was explored. 22 kinds of typical Tujia color of yarn were selected as testing samples. These yams were woven into color chips samples. The spectral reflectance data was measured by spectrophotometer and analyzed by Semi-empirical spectral reflectance mixture model. The spectral angle and goodness-of-fit-coefficient were used to evaluate the results. Experimental results showed that the maximum spectral angle between spectral reflectance from semi-empirical model and spectral reflectance measured by spectrophotometer is θij=3.966 4° , the average spectral angle value is θij=1.477 9° ,CGF≥0.995. This study shows that the proposed model can explain the causes of color perception differences. It also provided the theoretical basis for the color matching in yam selection process and obtained high quality Tujia brocade products.