Aim. The traditional EKF method requires that all the response information be measured, which may not be the ease for many bridge structures. Hence we propose our substructure method, which we explain in sections 1 and 2 of the full paper. Their core is: "Firstly, we select the substructure with complete response information as the research object. Secondly, the ohservation equation and the state equatiort hased on finite deraent model are derived by the motion equations of the substructure. Applying the EKF method to the nonlinear parametric system consisting of the state equation and the observation equation, we identify the physical parameters of the substructure. Combined with EKF, the substructure method proposed in this paper offers an efficient approach for the nonlinear parametric system identification problem with incomplete response information. " The simulation results, given in Table 2 and Fig. 3, demonstrate preliminarily that the proposed approach is capable of identifying the physical parameters with rapidity and high precision.